Faserbasierte Werkstoffe
Source book of
Fiber-Based Materials
Reden (Research Development the Netherlands) is an engineering company that excels in simulation-driven product development and the development of design functions.
We support our clients in achieving a breakthrough in their product development. Based on our simulation models we offer product developers better understanding of the relation between product design en performance. We make, in other words, performance predictable. Models lead us, in addition to understanding the functioning of the product, to new knowledge rules or design functions. In organizations a multiplicity of knowledge rules exist. For engineers it is necessary to secure the knowledge in a usable form. Reden has developed a virtual engineer for that called Reves DSE!
Virtual support for product development
Whether a textile meets its requirements can quickly be investigated in the development stage by modelling and simulation. Fabrics with specific properties can easily be designed. Based on machine settings, yarn materials and the knitting pattern, the resulting structure can be predicted. In the development of new fabrics Reden can assist the design process by virtually adapting design parameters and predict the performance. Reden has for example modelled the weft knitting process on a double flatbed knitting machine using monofilament yarns. The results are validated against data from a real process and textile in collaboration with the university of Dresden.