Faserbasierte Werkstoffe
Source book of
Fiber-Based Materials
Textile research institutions | 16 |
Textile researchers | 1,200 |
Total textile research budget | € 90 million |
The Forschungskuratorium Textil (FKT) is part of a comprehensive network of 16 textile research institutions, associations, and companies aimed at textile research. As a hub for all research issues, the FKT coordinates all application activities for research projects and informs about successful projects regarding new materials or applications. Credit is due to the institutes and companies for how this traditional industry has transformed into a high-tech industry, with many globally leading companies.
The top position of German companies with respect to high- tech materials is also linked to their research and development activities. More than 1,200 textile researchers utilize the funding programs of the federal German government and the EU that are available to support technological development and innovation, and the development of fibre-based materials, raw materials, and textile compound materials – as innovative contributions to almost all growth industries. The outcomes of these projects are made available to all companies in the industry and can be found in the database maintained by the FKT. www.textilforschung.de/tefo/